Working hard to help customers is something that we strive for at National Precast, and we were proud to see those efforts be recognized when we were presented with the 2nd place “Best Practice” award from the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA). We were presented the award recently at the NPCA Keynote Luncheon at The Precast Show in Kansas City. Our award was presented to us by Jesse Wingert with Conseal.
A customer presented us with a situation on an Oregon DOT project where a 4’ x 8’ precast concrete vault lid was being installed on a complicated grade. In order to match the grade requirements, the vault lid needed to be adjusted such that all 4 corners were on a different grade elevation. This meant we had to adjust the lid, not only left to right, but front to back. Traditional ways of adjustment would have been difficult due to the 2 planes of adjustment and weight (2,500 lbs) of the lid. Posed with this issue, we reached out to Matt Stiller at Rim Riser for help. Working with the creative team at RimRiser, a plan to utilize 6 of their precast leveling “jack nut and screw” system was hatched. Casting the jack nuts in 6 locations and utilizing 4 standard Rim Riser screws and two custom length screws, our customer was able to adjust the lid to grade quickly (less than 30 minutes) with minimal effort using just a cordless power drill. With a little creativity and help from Rim Riser, our customer’s problem was resolved on time, on budget, and most importantly in a safe manor.
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When you work with National Precast, we are your single-source provider of precast/prestressed systems. That means you can rest assured that your projects will be completed on time and on budget.
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